
A show of support

If you didn’t know the backstory, TCS graduate Kinsey Kays would have blended in with the crowd. She looked like any other enthusiastic fan cheering on the Warriors at the home game against cross-town rival Clay-Battelle.

Turns out, Kinsey was beaming with gratitude and pride as she showed her support not only for the basketball team but for the Trinity Cheer squad. As a high school junior, Kinsey had successfully championed the reinstatement of cheerleading at Trinity. Now almost 4 years later she was witnessing the fruit of her labor.

Kinsey isn’t alone. We have parents, teachers, coaches, family members, and more who invest in the work here. From starting a club to volunteering, there are countless folks who have left a legacy or touched the lives of our students.

Giving to see others prosper and grow is intrinsic to our Christian education community. The fact that God lets us be a part of the work is a gift. As Kinsey said, “My heart is so happy and God really does grow a simple seed into something beautiful!”

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Our student-athletes have been well-supported by the hometown crowd this basketball season. Yet there are so many other ways our students support one another and receive support from our community. Thanks to all who give to Trinity in time, talent, treasure, and prayer!

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Phone 304-291-4659 • ā€¢ Media contact: Trinity Christian School Facebook Trinity Christian School Vimeo Trinity Christian School Instagram