

Acting Up

This week we’ve been celebrating Theatre in Our Schools Month to honor and support our TCS Thespian Troupe as they compete in a South Eastern Theatre Conference in Baltimore today and tomorrow. It’s impressive what… Continue Reading

Spring Forward

When we turned the clocks forward this week, the weather followed suit by bringing us a welcome early dose of spring! While spring has not officially started, the school is preparing for some exciting events,… Continue Reading

Fun and Games

So much has happened this week! We ended last week with our monthly Friday Finale tradition. Our middle school choir sang the national anthem at a WVU gymnastics meet and did an amazing job. The… Continue Reading

Dramatic Ending

Last week ended on a dramatic note when our drama department inducted the newly formed Thespian Troupe’s first members, honored the seniors, and presented an encore performance of Her Senior Year. It was a history-making… Continue Reading

Roots & Wings

Spiritual Emphasis Week got off to a great start when the high school Praise Team hosted a Night of Worship on Monday evening. The theme for the event was Worship Through the Ages and the… Continue Reading

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Phone 304-291-4659 • Media contact: Trinity Christian School Facebook Trinity Christian School Vimeo Trinity Christian School Instagram