

Grumpy or Grateful?

Today in Elementary Chapel, the first-grade class presented the story of Jonah in a unique and entertaining way. Using the book Jonah and the Very Big Fish by Tim Thornborough, the students reenacted the Biblical account… Continue Reading

Sweet Homecoming

Now that Homecoming 2023 is in the books, many sweet memories remain. We had perfect weather and a fantastic turnout for the tailgates, alumni reception, and soccer game! The band set the tone with a… Continue Reading

Warriors For the Win

One phrase comes to mind when looking back on this week: Warriors For The Win! It’s been a winning week—and we’re not just talking athletics. Yes, our high school cross country teams did win the… Continue Reading

Flying High

This past week left us flying high—figuratively and literally! From the soccer team winning the OVAC Championship to our band placing first in their division at the Buckwheat Festival School Day to our STEM students… Continue Reading

Where Two or More

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”  Matthew 18:20 ESV Yesterday, our students and staff gathered to pray around the flagpole as part of See You at the Pole, a global prayer event for students. Our school community met at the… Continue Reading

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