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Trinity Christian School is a Christian school dedicated to providing excellent, challenging academics, and an environment of physical, emotional, and spiritual education of students leading to a life that honors God. The school exists to train the mind, develop the moral character, and enrich the spiritual lives of all who come within the sphere of its influence.

Trinity Christian School stresses the highest excellence and proficiency in academic education with a goal of developing, within each student, mastery of all the basics of learning, while establishing thinking and clear communication skills.

We value excellence in education, development, and maturation of the whole person. We desire that students will love and pursue truth, recognize beauty in all its forms, live virtuously, think critically and problem-solve logically, read insightfully, write incisively, speak persuasively, and be physically fit.

We aspire and encourage personal growth and to provide opportunities for every student to discover and develop their unique gifts in an atmosphere of wise freedom. Our intention is for every student to be exceptionally equipped to pursue his or her God-given calling, preparing them to be knowledgeable Christian participants in our nation and the world.

For a comprehensive look at grade-specific programs, please explore the appropriate Curriculum Overviews.

© Trinity Christian School • 200 Trinity Way Morgantown, WV 26505
Phone 304-291-4659 • ā€¢ Media contact: Trinity Christian School Facebook Trinity Christian School Vimeo Trinity Christian School Instagram