
It’s beginning to look…

and sound and feel a lot like Christmas! The Christmas tree is up in the foyer and festive decorations are popping up all over the school. Last Friday, the elementary students ushered in the Christmas season with a program that wowed the audience and touched hearts with the message of the Savior born in a manger.

“The message and peacefulness that came from not only watching the kids but from being a part of the Trinity family can be described as priceless.” – Trinity Parent

“Wonderful message….wonderful spirit…..wonderful Trinity Christian School! Thank you dear body in Christ!!! Honoring our Savior, Jesus Christ!!!” – Trinity Grandparent

Within days of the elementary Christmas program, our high school Drama department hosted a Cheesy Christmas Coffee House. It was a fun mix of entertaining performances by Trinity drama class members, musicians, and singers, interspersed with a movie trivia contest.

Amidst the fun and festivities, our students and faculty are working hard to complete the semester on a high note. It’s the time of year when scholarships are beginning to be awarded and other academic competitions are starting up. Our students are being recognized in the community for their efforts and learning much in the process.

Elementary students delighted the audience with a memorable Christmas program.

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A Christmas tradition, second grade students fashioned gingerbread houses for a fun seasonal activity.

Drama, music, and cocoa: all the makings of a successful Christmas Coffee House!

Congratulations to TCS junior Dominic Raymond! He has been selected as one of two delegates representing the state of West Virginia in the 52nd Annual US Youth Senate program. Dominic will spend a week in Washington to experience our national government in action and receive a $5000 college scholarship for undergraduate studies.

Freshman McKenna Bowlin placed third at the county Math Field Day, qualifying her for the regional competition to be held in March of 2014. Congratulations McKenna!

© Trinity Christian School • 200 Trinity Way Morgantown, WV 26505
Phone 304-291-4659 • Media contact: Trinity Christian School Facebook Trinity Christian School Vimeo Trinity Christian School Instagram