Alumni & Friends

Johanna Collins-Wood ’05

Johanna Collins-Wood ’05 has recently relocated to London, England to work as a lawyer in the London office of Davis, Polk & Wardwell, a New York-based US law firm.

At Davis Polk, Johanna practices US corporate law for large European banking and corporate clients. Her focus is on capital markets, particularly initial public offerings in both Europe and the United States. In London, Johanna attends an evangelical Anglican church and has served as a leader for the church’s Life Course, an eight-week course for people who are new to church and would like to explore what it means to have a relationship with Jesus.

Johanna received her J.D. from Duke University School of Law in 2013, where she also received an LL.M. in International and Comparative Law. Johanna received a bachelor of arts in religion from Duke University in 2009, where she graduated magna cum laude and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa.

Johanna credits her education at Trinity Christian School with instilling in her the determination to always do two things in life: seek out the will of the Lord and do it wholeheartedly, and always dream bigger than what you can accomplish alone.

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