
On a Roll

Our girls varsity bowling team is on a roll! At the time of this post, the Lady Warriors have 10 wins and 2 losses and stand first in their division.  They will compete against 12 other schools in the OVAC championship this Saturday in Toronto, Ohio. Way to go, Warriors!

We are so excited to see the success of this newly formed team. Adding bowling as a sport provides our student-athletes another option to use and develop their skills while building camaraderie with their classmates. Thank you, Coach Jeff Street and Athletic Director Jason White for giving our kids this opportunity!

In more good news, join us in thanking the Lord for our second 15-passenger van! We thank the Armstrong County Community Foundation for sponsoring this project through a grant from the Richard G. and Barbara A. Snyder General Charitable Foundation. This generous gift enables us to provide additional transportation for class trips, athletic teams, and community service outreaches. We will be getting the van wrapped in the coming weeks.

Despite the extreme winter weather and poor road conditions that caused us to meet virtually most of the week, we still have fun things to share in this week’s video!

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