
Persevere Like Job

If you read last week’s blog you’d know that this year we are teaching about specific biblical character traits and the Bible characters who have displayed them. To persevere like Job did is one of the challenges presented to the students. Job suffered unimaginable things and, while we pray our students never encounter Job-like trials, we hope they can learn from his example and press into God even when things are tough. 

Already we are witnessing our students demonstrating perseverance. Watching our student-athletes persevere through setbacks, weather challenges, injuries, or losses while maintaining a positive attitude is inspiring. So is hearing the progress our band is making as they continually practice to master music for upcoming performances. Perseverance is being applied as students strive to learn everything from Bible verses and historical dates to multiplication facts and periodic tables. 

The apostle Paul reminds us in Romans 5:3-4 that persevering in suffering can help us grow.

Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.”

The lesson we can learn from Job was that he looked to God and persevered in faith, even when he didn’t understand. It’s a privilege to challenge our students to do the same.

*Note: This video features music from our Friday morning worship in the lobby. “Abide” is written by Aaron Williams, Aaron Keyes & Jake Fauber. 


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