Posted on January 30, 2025
Our Warrior basketball teams are seeing a ramp-up—finally getting to play again after wintry weather caused postponements and cancellations. Our talented cheer teams are on the sidelines enthusiastically showing support and getting the crowd involved. We’re thrilled that our student-athletes can compete again!
And speaking of winter sports, have you heard our girls bowling team was named the 1A/2A/3A OVAC Runner-Up? We are so proud of this team’s achievements in its inaugural season.
While much of our focus is on winter sports in this post, we also have other fun scenes to share from this week’s activities. As you look back at the week, join us in thanking the Lord for His care and abundant blessings.
As our annual verse, reminds us, we can’t do anything apart from Him.
“Jesus said, ‘I am the Vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 NKJV