
Running with endurance

Morgantown is a running town. On any given day, in any weather, runners can be spotted on the trails and on the sidewalks. They brave the elements and the traffic. Dedicated, they persevere.

Hebrews 12:1 tells us to run with endurance the race that is set before us. (ESV) It is one of several verses that refer to our life in Christ as a race. And in that race we are admonished to endure.

To educate for life, we must teach endurance. Though it may be the topic of discussion in a Bible class or a chapel, more often than not it’s a lesson taught outside the classroom walls. As a student struggles through a difficult class or trains intensely for a sport, they learn to endure. When they take a spiritual stand that goes against the culture, they learn to endure.

Endurance is required to finish this race. At Trinity Christian School, our mission is to run this race together, and those who have gone before us are on the sidelines cheering us on.

HS XC 9-13

Cross country is all about endurance. Runners must keep their eyes on the finish line regardless of the obstacles.

MS XC 2_13-14

It was great to see runners from 10 schools in the Mason Dixon conference compete at a recent cross country meet on the Trinity campus!

Volleyball prac 13-14

Football prac13-14

Soccer warmup

Drills, practice, and warm-ups play an integral part in training for sports or life. Our student-athletes are seeing their hard work pay off.


Training isn’t reserved for our students. Our teachers expand their knowledge of technology in the classroom during a recent professional development session.

K5 helpers

Even our youngest students can be big helpers! Dressed for pajama day, these K5 students retrieve mail for their teacher.




© Trinity Christian School • 200 Trinity Way Morgantown, WV 26505
Phone 304-291-4659 • Media contact: Trinity Christian School Facebook Trinity Christian School Vimeo Trinity Christian School Instagram