
Smooth Transitions

Today we gave the high school track team a send-off to the State Track Meet. In a quick pep talk, Coach Barnett reminded the athletes they earned the right to compete at States. It didn’t happen overnight—they worked long and hard to reach this goal. 

As school comes to an end our students will move onto a new phase of their lives because they worked all year preparing for the next grade level or, in the case of our seniors, adulthood. As educators and parents, we want to help them make small preparations on the way so they do not fumble the baton in the transition. 

They prepare for the transition when they learn that letters form words or see how weekly Bible verses apply to their daily lives. When they learn to share their favorite toy or graciously accept defeat in a difficult loss. When they meet new classmates or take their first Advanced Placement class. All these seemingly small steps help make for a smoother transition to the big ones.

And isn’t the same true for parents? When you let go of the handlebars for the first time knowing your child might fall, you’re smoothing their transition. Or when you let them navigate a more challenging class without you intervening. Or when you sit next to them in the passenger seat as they get behind the wheel. When you set your fears aside knowing they will be stronger for it, you’re smoothing their transition. And one day, when they put on their cap and gown and walk confidently across the stage to receive their diploma, you’ll realize you not only helped prepare their heart for the next step but God helped prepare yours


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