
‘Tis the Season

‘Tis the season for gratitude and giving, for worship and wonder, for friends and family.

We started holiday festivities for our school on the last day before the Thanksgiving break with a secondary Turkey Tourney and a school-wide community service project. Our Student Council did an amazing job organizing the Turkey Tourney, which featured class color wars, a pie-in-the-face fundraiser, and many fun games. The students capped it off by filling the hallway with tables for an impromptu lunch together. 

In the afternoon, secondary student mentors paired with their younger buddies to fill 100 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child—the fall service project for the school year. Students carefully selected items for a child they will likely never meet. Before ending the day, the students and staff gathered to pray that the gifts would express God’s love to the recipients across the globe. 

Now that we’ve returned to school after the Thanksgiving Break, the sights and sounds of Christmas are filling our classrooms and hallways. Our elementary students are tirelessly rehearsing for tomorrow night’s (Friday, December 1) Christmas Musical at Chestnut Ridge Church at 6 p.m., and the Praise Team led the student body in traditional and contemporary Christmas songs during chapel providing wonderful reminders of the true reason we celebrate Christmas: Jesus, our Savior! ‘Tis the season, let’s come and adore Him!

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