
Actively interactive

Interactive. It’s a word that, today, so often implies electronic connectivity. Connecting with others through technology is integral to our daily lives. That interactivity can enhance the educational process, as well.

Recent gifts to Trinity Christian School have afforded our students new opportunities to explore technology use in the classroom. Elementary classrooms are now outfitted with Mimio Teach interactive white boards, expanding students’ learning experiences. Additionally, the elementary classrooms share Mimio Vote, an assessment system that encourages class participation and gives teachers real-time feedback on the students’ grasp of the subject matter.

“The students are very excited about it! They are always asking when we can use it again.” said one elementary teacher, indicating that the students are more engaged.

Our secondary science lab, impacted by an outpouring of gifts, features 16 new compound biological microscopes, as well as a trinocular high power compound microscope. Additionally, the purchase of a trinocular stereo zoom microscope with dual halogen lights will allow students to examine larger, three-dimensional objects, such as dissections, in detail. Both of the trinocular microscopes, when used in tandem with a microscope digital camera, will enable the class to project images onto the white board and take videos and/or photos of specimens.

Active. An apt description of TCS families and friends who generously contribute in tangible and intangible ways to create an increasingly interactive educational community at Trinity Christian School.

Elementary students work on math and english utilizing the interactive white boards in their classrooms.

Vada Boback, high school science teacher, unpacked the new microscopes and accessories for the science lab.

The new microscopes have greatly broadened the efficiency and scope of the students’ science lab experience.

Interaction at Trinity isn’t limited to technology. Our students benefited from a team, including Jim Dunn (above), representing Operation Christmas Child, who shared their experiences at a recent chapel. Their visit kicked off the annual, school-wide collection of shoeboxes for Samaritan’s Purse.

The Trinity Christian School sign, set against backdrop of fall foliage, welcomes families and visitors with scrolling announcements.

© Trinity Christian School • 200 Trinity Way Morgantown, WV 26505
Phone 304-291-4659 • Media contact: Trinity Christian School Facebook Trinity Christian School Vimeo Trinity Christian School Instagram