Cold hands, warm hearts
Posted on January 24, 2013
Winter finally came this week, with frigid temperatures causing a few two-hour delays.
Winter. A season known for dormancy, hibernation, and shortened days. These are the days of preparation for spring, when the green shoots break through the ground, eventually bursting forth in beauty.
This is a time for preparation at Trinity, as well. Our seniors are gathering recommendation letters and filling out last minute college and scholarship applications. Our band and choirs learn new music and practice diligently in preparation for spring competitions and concerts.
At Trinity Christian School, growth keeps occurring. Students are grasping concepts, athletes are executing plays, and, most importantly, the word of God is being planted in hearts.
Growth is occurring in numbers, too. Trinity’s enrollment has increased from the beginning of the year to over 300 students! It warms our hearts to welcome new families and students to the Trinity family. If you, or someone you know, have yet to be a part of TCS and would like to learn how your student(s) can grow along with us, plan to visit during one of our Open Houses being held on February 21 at 9-10:30 am and 6:30-8:30 pm, and February 24 at 2:00-4:00 pm.
The TCS high school band and choir are busy preparing for upcoming spring performances and competitions.
Elementary students learn about rhythm by playing various hand games in elementary music class.
Kindergarten students are fascinated by the launch of a teabag rocket, as they learn about heat in elementary science lab.