
On the road

Gas tank full? Check.

Snacks and drinks for the kids? Check.

Is everybody buckled in? Check.

And, no, we’re not there, yet.

It’s field trip time. Our teachers, students, and parents are taking advantage of the good weather and longer days by visiting attractions throughout the area. Here’s a rearview glance at some road trips taken by our classes.

Fifth-grade students and their families made friends with creatures great and small on their field trip to the Creation Museum.

Fort Necessity and Mount Washington Tavern were the destinations for the second-grade field trip. The students learned about life in the 1700’s, touring the tavern and dressing up in clothing of the era. The fort’s staff also provided activity stations for the students to experience how everyday tasks were performed during that time period.


Preschool K-4 students didn’t have to go far to enjoy a taste of farm life when they visited the West Virginia University Farm. The even had the chance to “milk” a very cooperative cow.

In order to compete, Trinity’s athletes sometimes must travel a distance. However, the time spent on the road can result in the formation of close-knit bonds among teammates.

Playing closer to home provides a great opportunity to acknowledge the senior members of the teams. Each Spring sports team recently took the time to do so, with the baseball team honoring Eric Cummins and Justin Everly. Abbie Barnett, Daniel Dawley, Matt Dlugos, Josh Earl, Emily Evans, Jack Goellner, Pierce Griffith, Presley Jordan, Olivia Kelley, Dominic Raymond, Catherine Rondy, and Jensen Scott received recognition from the track team. The softball team showed their appreciation for seniors Sophia Podlinski and Megan Myers. We will miss you!

Sometimes the best trips are “stay-cations”! By the smiles on their faces, that was the case when our K-3 class invited their mothers to a Hawaiian luau complete with leis and snacks.

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