
Please be seated

Good news for Warrior fans! The bleachers are complete, affording our fans a better view of the action as well as a place to sit. We’re so grateful for another step to a fully equipped athletic field for our student-athletes.

While it’s great to have a comfortable seat, there are also times to take a stand. During this week’s Spiritual Emphasis days, the faculty challenged Trinity students to do just that. Actor and youth speaker Frank Runyeon dramatized the Sermon on the Mount for middle and high school chapels, bringing the Word of God to life in a new way. Discussion sessions followed, designed to encourage students to examine how their own lives fit into the bigger picture of the Kingdom of God.

Decisive moments face us every day. If we respond according to the Word of God, then He promises we will be blessed.



Have a seat and cheer on the Warrior teams!

Spiritual Emphasis fall 2013

Spiritual Emphasis MS 2013

Besides the chapels and discussion groups, secondary Spiritual Emphasis Days included team-building activities.

Pet day 1

Pet day 2

K5 students focused on the 7 days of creation this week. They shared their pets with classmates when they studied God’s creation of animals.


Frank Runyeon shared from the Beatitudes in his dramatic presentation for chapel. We look forward to his one-man show: The Gospel of Luke at Chestnut Ridge Church tonight.




© Trinity Christian School • 200 Trinity Way Morgantown, WV 26505
Phone 304-291-4659 • Media contact: Trinity Christian School Facebook Trinity Christian School Vimeo Trinity Christian School Instagram