
Remembering October

New shoes are clean and shiny. But, they usually have that slightly tight, uncomfortable feeling. Once worn for a few weeks, your feet settle in and they take on a whole new feeling. The blisters go away. No longer new, you walk assuredly, in comfort.

That’s a bit how a new school year can be. New teachers, new friends, deeper subject matter, all stretch students in new ways. And just like new shoes, it can take a few weeks to settle in. The first nine weeks are behind us. Grades have been posted. Students have grown accustomed to their teachers’ methods. The apprehensions are gone and the school has settled in for the no-longer-new year.

Enjoy this reflection on October at Trinity Christian School.

Elementary students re-enact the march around the “City of Jericho”.

The middle school choir shares their gift of song during a chapel service.

A group of seniors enjoyed good conversation and sandwiches during lunch with the Superintendent, Mr. Howard.

A middle school student assists with assembling a bulletin board featuring elementary students’ artwork depicting images of fall and family.

This carefully created portrait is sure to bring smiles to the faces of the artist’s family members.

© Trinity Christian School • 200 Trinity Way Morgantown, WV 26505
Phone 304-291-4659 • ā€¢ Media contact: Trinity Christian School Facebook Trinity Christian School Vimeo Trinity Christian School Instagram