

Warriors Win Again

Our high school cross country boys’ team just made school history! The team of Peyton Dixon (4th), Jabez Chavez (6th), Chase Livengood (11th), Ethan Tomlinson (14th), and Robbie Kincaid (15th) earned the title of Regional… Continue Reading

Thank you, Lord

“Blessings, on blessings, on blessings, on blessings If I still got breath in these lungs And that’s all I need to get down on my knees And be thankful for all that He’s done… Yeah,… Continue Reading

Learn, pray, and grow

  Our first graders came up with a great riddle the other day. Where would you find a massive praying mantis? At a Christian school! Because they are always learning, praying, and growing! Isn’t that… Continue Reading

Winning at life

It seems only fitting that this is Spirit Week leading up to the Homecoming game and ceremony tomorrow. It was a week filled with history-making moments for our athletes and coaches. This past Saturday, the… Continue Reading

Time to pray

“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.”  ~  James 4:10 (ESV)  (Theme verse for See You at the Pole 2021) Think of the impact of students all over the world humbly calling… Continue Reading

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