
Making smooth transitions

Transitions are inevitable. We welcome some changes without hesitation while others we face with a bit of anxiety. There is no doubt that we all desire life’s transitions to go as smoothly as possible.

The changes students and families face at the end of the school year are usually accompanied by an influx of varied emotions: excitement, sadness, and joy. As a part of the Trinity community, we can join together in celebrating the past and looking forward to the future of each student. May we use these transitions as opportunities to live out the mandate of 1 Thessalonians 5:11.

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. (ESV)


Baccalaureate at Trinity is rich with tradition. After enjoying a dinner with family and friends, the seniors were addressed by former Trinity Principal Mike Staud who shared anecdotes to illustrate the importance of making good decisions. 

Pastor Junius Lewis addressed the seniors and guests for the fifteenth annual commencement ceremony.


The Trinity class of 2015 had much to celebrate upon receiving their diplomas. Collectively the graduates have amassed over $1,000,000 in accepted scholarships. Read more about their accomplishments here.

The middle school “Fling” was a colorful event! It was also the last middle school social gathering for the eighth-grade class. The students will move up to high school with fond memories of their time together.

The soon-to-be freshmen are a fun yet hardworking class. We know they will do well in high school!

Fifth-grade students are transitioning to middle school. They celebrated with a picnic, followed by a promotion ceremony later in the week. We’re proud of you!

Ready for first grade? They sure are! The K-5 students have grown in every possible way this school year. Congratulations on being promoted! Our Pre-K three and four classes are moving up as well. We hope to share photos of those special little ones in the next blog.

Don’t forget to check out the latest issue of the Warrior Express to read the latest in Trinity Christian School news including articles on Advanced Placement, developments with the 1-1 device pilot program, a Q & A with teacher Kalyn Pierson, alumni news, and more.

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Phone 304-291-4659 • Media contact: Trinity Christian School Facebook Trinity Christian School Vimeo Trinity Christian School Instagram