

Turning the tassels

The tassels have been turned and the 2018 seniors are now alumni. Though the applause from graduation night has faded, the celebrations continue. We’re so proud of these graduates! We’re equally as proud of all our… Continue Reading

The final lap

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.  ~  Joshua 1:9 ESV We’re ending… Continue Reading

A time to celebrate

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens…”  ~ Ecclesiastes 3:1 The end of the year is a time to celebrate! Formal and informal, preschool through seniors — the form and… Continue Reading

Heroes without capes

The brightly colored script on the front window of our building states the message clearly, “Real heroes don’t wear capes. They teach.” It serves as a fun reminder to teachers that we hold them in… Continue Reading

Why “Dew” this for Trinity?

Did you see our Board Chair Todd Dlugos’s video in last week’s blog? In it, he shares a crazy idea he had to use his goal of kicking a bad habit to benefit Trinity. You might… Continue Reading

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Phone 304-291-4659 • Media contact: Trinity Christian School Facebook Trinity Christian School Vimeo Trinity Christian School Instagram