

Crowd of witnesses

Last Friday morning, our middle and high school students gathered in the Trinity lobby. Holding signs of encouragement, they formed two lines to create a makeshift passageway for the state-bound high school track team to… Continue Reading

Catching up and moving on

These are the crucial days: the moments of last minute projects and yearbook signings. Seniors are planning for college and reminiscing, while our remaining students speculate about the upcoming grade level. Both parents and students… Continue Reading

Concerted effort

Our students are incredibly active at this time of year! The nice weather, coupled with the knowledge and skills they have acquired during the school year, have resulted in field trips, presentations, and concerts. The… Continue Reading

Season of appreciation

We’ve all had one: the teacher who has the ability to flip the switch, turning the light on a concept that was previously dark. As a result, we connect the dots and look at the… Continue Reading


As parents, our child’s artwork usually falls into one of two categories. Some masterpieces are destined for a month or two on the refrigerator, while other pieces cry out to be framed. It seems our… Continue Reading

© Trinity Christian School • 200 Trinity Way Morgantown, WV 26505
Phone 304-291-4659 • Media contact: Trinity Christian School Facebook Trinity Christian School Vimeo Trinity Christian School Instagram