

Snow days

As is often the case this time of year, the weather has our plans hanging by a thread. Snow days may be more accurately termed “slow days”, reducing our daily schedules, even our driving, to… Continue Reading

Remembering January

We’ve got spirit, yes we do! The last week of January started off with a basketball whirlwind! The school hosted three home games in two days, including an afternoon game with our middle school girls’… Continue Reading

Cold hands, warm hearts

Winter finally came this week, with frigid temperatures causing a few two-hour delays. Winter. A season known for dormancy, hibernation, and shortened days. These are the days of preparation for spring, when the green shoots… Continue Reading

B is for….

B is for Bee.  History, Spelling, and Geography Bees have all taken place over the past few weeks at Trinity. While we’ve recognized the winners of the history bee qualifying test at the end of… Continue Reading


Endurance is not an easy trait to develop. By its very nature, it’s a quality that has to mature over time and time is its only true test. The writer of Hebrews 12:1-2 encourages believers… Continue Reading

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