

Sweet summertime

Sweet summertime. Long days of vacations and camps, lightning bugs and picnics, stargazing and backyard campfires. Summer is a great time for our students to take a break from the classroom, but their education doesn’t… Continue Reading

Who we are: STEM Initiative

Summer is a great time to reflect on who we are as a school community. What have we accomplished? Where are we going? How will we get there? These are complex questions with multifaceted answers.… Continue Reading

Pass it on

Did you ever hear the saying, “It’s too good not to share”? Whether it’s good news, helpful knowledge, or a valuable skill, why keep it to yourself when you can pass it on? Recent TCS graduate… Continue Reading

Watch out world!

Watch out world! We have kids moving on, moving out, getting strong. They are finding their feet, finding their wings. They’ll stumble, they’ll fly, they’ll fall sometimes, and they’ll soar. Our prayer is that they’ll grow… Continue Reading

Life together

One of the benefits of a tight-knit school community is living life together. We share challenges, triumphs, and milestones, forging bonds that will carry beyond the walls of Trinity. We celebrate victories and comfort each other… Continue Reading

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Phone 304-291-4659 • Media contact: Trinity Christian School Facebook Trinity Christian School Vimeo Trinity Christian School Instagram