

Making a statement

Actions speak louder than words. It’s a familiar idiom. Our work ethic, our character, the way we treat others: all make a statement. Teaching our students that their actions can make a difference whether in the… Continue Reading

Creative expression

Look around you. We are surrounded by beauty. Each colorful leaf and blade of grass, the ever-changing display of the sun’s daily movement across the sky: all reflect our Creator. It’s natural that we, being… Continue Reading

Faithful companion

It’s not often that we have four-legged visitors come to the school. So it was quite unusual for the second-grade students to welcome not one, but two, beautiful golden retrievers to their classroom. Having read… Continue Reading

Mid-term reflections

How can it be that we’re midway through the first semester of the school year? The first nine weeks of 2015-16 are now a part of Trinity history. At this point, the faces of new students and… Continue Reading


Where would we be without the innovators, the trailblazers thinking outside the box? Those who see beyond what is now to what can be? What does it take to be a pioneer? Vision, guts, perseverance all come… Continue Reading

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Phone 304-291-4659 • Media contact: Trinity Christian School Facebook Trinity Christian School Vimeo Trinity Christian School Instagram