

Back on track

Trinity Christian School is back in session after a combined Spring and Easter break. However, that doesn’t mean our students have been idle. With plans for the future, some of our high school students took… Continue Reading

Can you relate?

All of life hinges on relationship. When asked which commandment was the greatest, Jesus responded, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your… Continue Reading

Rescued by love

It is often said that rescued animals make the best pets. Perhaps they can sense that their new owners saved them from neglect, abuse, or even death. Trinity parent Crystal Dehlin paid a recent visit to… Continue Reading

Getting to know you

Despite the various forms of networking provided by social media, nothing replaces meeting someone face-to-face. Looking in someone’s eyes, shaking their hand, and sharing a smile can be the first steps to making a new… Continue Reading

Spring into action

The warmer temperatures seem to be infusing our campus with a renewed energy. It’s a much needed energy, as Trinity teachers, students, and staff spring into action for the final quarter of the school year. Times of… Continue Reading

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Phone 304-291-4659 • Media contact: Trinity Christian School Facebook Trinity Christian School Vimeo Trinity Christian School Instagram